Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Living With Disfigurement - Thrill To The Terror Of Death

Self Released 2010

1.The Dissemination Of Human Suffering 2.Better Living Through Surgery
3.Grotesque Side Effects 4.Preserving The Guinea Worm

Blending modern sounding metal with an old school influence isn’t anything new, but LWD manage to get the balance just right and when spiced up with some blast beats and sick as fuck dual vocals the energy and enthusiasm on show is infectious . The production hits you like a fist to face, all the boxes being ticked; heavy guitars, all well balanced and suitably mixed. ‘The Dissemination Of Human Suffering’ sounds monstrous especially when the band up the pace and add blast beats it all makes sense and really comes together brilliantly. However, the majority of the opening song remains mid-paced which suits the old school feel extremely well. LWD aren’t afraid to add in guitar solos either and  thankfully they don’t over-power the song, the rhythm guitars holding their own under the solos. ‘Better Living Through Surgery’ sees the band adding an old school Swedish death metal influence, sounding a lot like early ‘Dismember’ but with added groove and melody. Don’t be fooled by terminology of ‘groove’ and ‘melody’ though, because at the core of the band’s sound is heavy as fuck old school death metal. Ed’s vocals really stand out here, the ultra-guttural vocals used alongside some really sick, screamed vocals which are really addictive and a real pleasure to listen to.
One over-riding feature is the catchiness of the songs, for all of the bands old school ethic the songs remain extremely well written, varied and ultimately memorable. ‘Grotesque Side Effects’ carries the theme of the two previous tracks, remaining mid-paced but with a touch more melody introduced, again making the track extremely catchy. One surprise from this track was the injection of an almost black metal sounding section, scathing riffs backed by blasting drums and again all topped off by those sick screamed vocals. It didn’t sound out of place amongst the barrage of death metal and it added to the songs appeal, a real cohesion of styles.
‘Preserving The Guinea Worm’ closes the e.p. in great style with a real sense of urgency. A barrage of frantic riffs and blasting drums mixed amongst more Swedish inspired old school death metal guitar work. Solos are again re-introduced and as before, work really well. It’s just a shame there’s only four tracks to this e.p. as LWD have really captured something unique here. It’s extremely well played memorable and very catchy modern (with an old school influence) death metal which is highly recommended!
8 out of 10

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