Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Rat Faced Bastard - Rat Faced Bastard

Self Released 2012
1.Meathead 2.Branded Supremacy 3.Defiled
4.Gary Busey's Restraining Order 5.Crushing The Weak
6.Meat Harvester 7.Blind Devotion 8.Rat Faced Bastard
A torrent of abuse greets the listener as ‘Meathead’ blasts forth in a frenzy of punk infused grinding madness, blast beats, frenetic guitar work and mixed guttural/screamed vocals all make up for an absolute whirlwind of an opening track and a great introduction to self-proclaimed  ‘death/grind dickheads’ Rat Faced Bastard. At only 52 seconds it's over in a flash before ‘Branded Supremacy’ follows on, slowing the pace somewhat compared to the previous track. The punk, metal, grind framework is still there however. ‘Defiled’ is a full on grinding assualt, another haze of blast infused madness, the guitars an absolute haze of death/grind riffing and the pace is utterly relentless. The band sound particularly ‘tight’ in this track considering how fast the track is. The pace is slowed slightly towards the end of the track, but the scathing screamed vocals ensure that an edge of brutality is retained.  Clocking in at only 8 seconds, ‘Gary Busey’s Restraining Order’ is as you would expect, 8 seconds of grinding, blast beast ridden sillyness, enough said! ‘Crushing The Weak’ starts life with a really old school death metal feel, mid paced with a real sense of grove to the opening riffs. The punkier riffs are introduced alongside the old school riffs and it’s a good mix, both styles quite obviously complementing each other and giving this song a different, but welcome feel to the track heard previously.
The full on grind assault returns in ‘Meat Harvester’, RFB sounding particularly venomous here and to be honest, brutal as fuck! We’re treated to more of the groove inspired old school death metal again, giving the track a really catchy sound. ‘Blind Devotion’ sees the band at their most brutal, an absolute torrent of manic death/grind, the song filled with blast beats, frenzied guitars and hate filled vocals…what more do you need from your grind? Ending this debut e.p is the title track taken from the band’s name ‘Rat Faced Bastard’ and yet again, it’s a relentless mix of punk inspired death/grind, executed brilliantly and a great way to end this all too short debut offering. These guys are active giggers (go see them, it’s entertaining stuff) and the hard work seems to have paid off in the recording process as RFB have produced 8 tracks of punishing death/grind, catchy, well played and to the point. Death/Grind dickheads? No, more like Death/Grind heroes. The CD version of this release sold out very quickly, but the tape version is in the process of being produced. Grab a copy while you can, as I suspect they won’t be available for long either. Highly recommended.
8 out of 10

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