Thursday, 29 November 2012

Fires Of Tartarus - Interview

UKEM Records has has some dealings with Brutal Old School Death Metallers 'Fires Of Tartarus' so we thought it was about time we found out what makes this brutal oufit tick......
For those unfamiliar with the band, please give us a brief history of the band? The band in its current incarnation was formed in August 2011. Scott (Vocals), Dean (Guitar), Josh (Bass) and Andy (Guitar) came together from another local metal band, and Nick (Drums) was an old friend of Scott’s. We spent a year writing and recording our demo EP and getting out there on the gig circuit. In October we parted ways with Andy and decided to continue forward as a 4-piece. We’re currently working on a new EP and gigging hard.
You have recently released your debut cd, what has reaction been like to its release?Overwhelmingly positive. The CD was self-produced and financed, and was the first thing we’ve done together as a band. Everyone has been really impressed and we had some great reviews from online ‘zines and reviewers. Most people are blown away by the epic bass rumble!
Are you happy with the release, or is there anything you’d do differently? There are always things you want to change in hindsight, especially since we controlled every aspect of it. But overall very happy. The new material we’re working on is even stronger, and we’re looking to get it recorded professionally.
Are there any new releases on the horizon? Yes, we should have a new 3 track EP out around spring 2013. It is a progression from the sound on our first CD, still brutally heavy, but more developed melodically and technically. The CD has a theme based on ancient Greek philosophy... but we’re not giving too much away at this stage!
Musically, who influences you, if anyone at all? It’s a cliché, but we try not to be too influenced by any particular bands. That said, a lot of people compare our sound to the melodic death metal of the Gothenburg scene (At The Gates, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity), and we’re happy with that. Between us we have a huge range of musical influences (from progressive to extreme) and they all creep in from time to time.
What themes and topics do your lyrics deal with? Lyrically we deal with some pretty epic concepts. They are about understanding humanity, exploring the darkness within and around us; transcending our mortal existence and finding ultimate salvation. Often we use metaphor which is based in Greek or Roman literature, as well as H.P. Lovecraft and other “dark” reading material...
Composing songs can often be a frustrating process, how do you go about it? That’s changed quite a bit over time. On our first CD, the songs were mainly written in the rehearsal room with one band member contributing all the music, and one completing lyrics. What we’ve done recently is to start collaborating more, with ideas for riffs, beats, vocals etc. coming from all 4 members of the band. The new material is coming much easier and it’s a lot less frustrating. We are literally brimming with ideas!
You guys are active giggers, what could we expect from one of your live performances? We are insanely passionate about our music and what we’re trying to represent. There is a huge amount of experience and ambition in this band, and that shows in our performances. We’re serious about pulling off an ultra-tight performance of what you hear on the CD, and try to be as intense and energetic as possible. We often get people say “I’m really not into extreme metal but you guys had me hooked” and that kind of thing.
Plans for the future? Priority is completing our 2nd EP to release early next year, and as many gigs as possible.
What merch do you currently have available and where can we get it? We have T-shirts and CDs available at gigs, or online at
Any final words? Thank you for the support, what UKEM is doing for the scene is phenomenal! Please check us out, come say Hi at a gig (we are not that scary, really), and hit us up on Facebook @

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