Self Released 2014
1.Frozen In Time 2.Hate Legions 3.Parasitic Roots Of Earth
Second demo from Birmingham based black metallers Arrogant Destruktor is
definitely a no bullshit affair! Opening track “Frozen In Time” doesn’t hold
back at all, the bands brand of spiteful and hate-filled old school black metal
rages from start to finish. It’s so refreshing to hear a band that strip their
songs back, almost going back to basics and writing songs that are catchy,
memorable and that are actually songs, not just a bunch of riffs cobbled
together with demonic vocals screamed at every opportunity to mask the shitness
of the song writing. The band doesn’t opt for the ‘speed rather than song’
approach either, preferring to mix tempos, generally sitting comfortably in the
mid-paced territory. ‘Hate Legions’ follows on in similar fashion, starting at
a groove laden, yet harsh mid-paced speed. Again, simple song structures and
arrangements really make the song stand out and actually provide it with its
strength rather than detracting from the overall appeal. What really defines
the band’s sound is the thumping rhythm of the guitars and the drums, pounding
along extremely powerfully and it’s what really sets the band’s sound apart
from many other black metal bands.
Closing this unique three track demo is “Parasitic
Roots Of Earth” which begins in a torrent of blast beat laden black metal
harshness before dropping back to the slower to mid-paced more powerful approach.
Here the band sound a lot like Ugra-Karma era Impaled Nazarene, especially the guitar
riffs which definitely have a really catchy sound and are again arranged
simply, but very effectively! The Abrupt change in paces work extremely well in
this last track, when the band do up the pace then another influence begins to
show through, namely early Satyricon (Nemesis Divina), a fantastic way to end
what is a fantastic demo. There might only be three tracks on offer, but they
clock in at around the 17 minute mark, so you’re definitely getting your monies
worth if you decide to purchase this….which you should, if not for just the
music, then for the packaging also (Hand-made clam shell cardboard box
individually numbered and including a jacket patch). As mentioned earlier, there
is simplicity to the band’s sound which is actually their strength and gives
each song its catchiness and appeal. Old school influenced black metal, played
from the (blackened) heart with no fuss or complication, ‘Hate Legions Ride’ is
something truly unique in the UK black metal underground and this demo stands
the band in good stead to hopefully move onto bigger and better things, should
they decide that’s what they want - comes very highly recommended.
8.5 Out of 10
Band Page: Here
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