Hibernacular Records 2014
I. The Prelude
to Suffering 2. The Birth of Regret 3. Foster Vengeful Longing
4. The
Peoples Temple of Pogrom 5. The fall of Tranquillity 6. Through Coagulated
7. Necrotizing Reconstruction 8. Within the Dark Sorrow 9. The
Cruciatus of Julia
10. A Mausoleum of Marrow & Loathing
This isn't just an
ordinary black metal album. No, this is a misanthropic black metal album and
looking through the track list for "The Pain of Passing, I Embrace"
you can't help but agree as this tapestry of pain, anguish and evil unfurls
before you. Opening with the aptly entitled "The Prelude to
Suffering", Exquisite Ending begin in an appropriately dour and sombre
tone before adding into the mix the whispered promise of both death and
destruction to come. This is a promise that the band are comfortable with
following through with as “The Birth of
Regret” takes a hold in the form of a harrowing battering ram of raw,
uncompromising and vengeful black metal! With a slightly under-developed
production level, grim forceful vocal work and a mixture of double kick
drumming and raging cold riffs, Exquisite Ending take the traditional black
metal mould and twist it into something even more deliberately foul and
sinister, if you can imagine such a thing?Despite the bands ferocity
though they are capable of moments of great tranquillity and peaceful thought
provoking passages of ambiance and atmospheric reverie, the closing moments of
“The Birth of Regret” being one such occurrence.
However “Foster Vengeful
Longing” is quick to dispel any thoughts of dumbing down with a mid-paced bout
of maniacal tormented darkness, a humbling cacophony that puts an end to
halfhearted notions of relenting! Following a bizarre audio clip seemingly
about, I’m guessing here, a metaphorical mass suicide but I’m guessing with
more genocidal undertones and contexts, “The People’s Temple of Pogrom” opens
into more of the same from the band, ravenous but controlled black metal rage
that speaks of death in the most sickening of ways through lyrics like “Let
your children sleep now”, hinting at the massacres carried out in the past such
as in Romania in the Second World War when the Jews we’re slaughtered in a mass
riot or Pogrom. (I may be completely off base with that theory). Tracks such as “The
fall of Tranquility” continue the bands momentum without adding anything new
into the mix whilst “Through Coagulated Clouds” hits home with a deep seated
bout of intensity and grinding black metal fury! “Necrotizing Reconstruction”
is pure destruction in musical form but with haunting under laying bleak melody
within its tapestry and towards the end “Within the Dark Sorrow” and “A
Cruciatus of Julia” are both sturdy tracks with a nice blend of insanely brutal
and surprisingly graceful beats and harmonies. Ending with “A Mausoleum of
Marrow & Loathing”, Exquisite Ending prove once more than they are capable
of much more than just you average blast beat fest and round out a highly
impressive album!
7.5 Out Of 10 – Luke
Band Page:Here
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