Self Released 2012
1.The Fall Of Gondolin 2.Hordes Of Angband 3.Dargor Torog
4.Gorgoroth 5.Saruman's Betrayal 6.Flight Of The Nazgul
7.Smeagol's Descent Into Madness And Despair
London based black
metallers 'Trolls In The Mist' offer up their début e.p. 'Hordes Of
Angband'. Intro track 'The Fall Of Gondolin' is a medieval piece of
pipe music which actually sets quite a sinister tone for the
following track 'Hordes Of Angband' which bursts to life furiously in
a hail of sharp, yet melodic black metal. The guitars are suitably
under produced but this fits the music perfectly, adding a really
cold and bleak atmosphere to the melodies on offer. Vocally it's as
you would expect, harsh screamed black metal vocals which sound like
they have had very little done to them in the production stage which
actually makes a change as you can really hear the anger and spite in
every hate-filled sentence. 'Dargor Torog' follows on immediately
with no let up in the pace, the drums blasting along in accompaniment
to the furious guitar work at quite a pace. The band influences
starting to show through here, Gorogorth is one point of comparison.
There's are real sense of urgency with this track, the pace never
allowed to drop for any noticeable period of time, the higher pace
suiting the bands brand of harsh yet melodic black metal really well.
'Gorgoroth' is the next track which begins life relatively slowly,
creating a sinister atmosphere whilst retaining the bands ever
present sense of melody. Its not too long before the track then
bursts into life, however, rather than repeating the tempos seen in
the previous track, the pace is minimised to 'mid-paced' territory.
However, this slower pace doesn’t last long either, bursting into a
storm of malicious guitar work and drumming that pummels and really
adds yet another brutal edge to the song. The dual guitar riffs
really shine through in the slower sections and the catchy and
melodic black metal riffing adds another dimension to the bands sound
– its harsh black metal but it also extremely catchy and very well
played and presented. T.I.T.M have got it dead on with the
production, just been harsh enough to class it as raw black metal but
also with enough punch that really brings the instruments to life
allowing each one to compliment the other perfectly.
Betrayal' begins in almost militaristic fashion with guitars and
drums introducing the track before the fast and harsh black metal
opens up in a storm of demonic black metal. There's even a 'folky'
edge to some of the guitar harmonies which doesn’t sound out of
place at all, rather adds and enhances the melody on show and
complements the black metal style rhythm guitars. Some of the guitar
harmonies are also reminiscent on Swedish black metallers Mork
Gryning and that’s never going to be a bad thing! 'Flight Of The
Nazgul' continues on where the previous track left off, with some of
the folk inspired riffing being brought into the track from the
outset. Here the band are probably as brutal as they have sounded so
far, the pace of the drums and guitars really being upped to a
maximum and the production on the drums really punches through when
this pace is used. Final track 'Smeagol's Descent Into Madness and
Despair' is a beast of a song and a fitting way to end this début
e.p. There's a frantic, almost deranged feel to this track,
especially vocally, the screams are ear piercing. The riffing is very
catchy indeed, a blaze of raw, yet melodic black metal, very Swedish
sounding but also with hints of early Enslaved mixed in there. Its a
good combination indeed. Its amazing how appearances can be
deceptive, because upon receiving this promo CD I wasn’t really
expecting too much from it, the cover emblazoned with what can only
be described as a quite awful attempt at a black metal logo (get
someone to design a new one lads!!!) but upon putting the CD into the
player, I was surprised to say least. Its a very good début e.p
which shows bucket loads of potential from this relatively young
band. Harsh black metal that drips atmosphere and melody, T.I.T.M
have produced a commendable début e.p that is definitely worth a
listen. It will be interesting to see where the band go from here.
Middle earth awaits!
7.5 out of 10
Visit the band: Here
Thanks a lot you guys. Very happy you liked our sound.
ReplyDeleteDimmu (Drums)
no problem!